1. Prepare yourself
- Read Prescription for the Planet
- Read Storms of My Grandchildren
- Read Beyond Fossil Fools
- Subscribe to our newsletter
- Follow this website.
2. Spread the word
- Now that you're informed, help other people find out why nuclear power is the clean, safe option for protecting our planet in the future.
- Write articles and letters to the editor for local papers.
- Contact your political representatives: contact congress
3. Donate
We need you! When you donate to the Science Council for Global Initiatives, your gift will help support us in our efforts to:
- Ensure enough clean energy for us now and for our children's and grandchildren's future
- Prevent resource wars
- Curb climate change
- Provide abundant fresh water for every nation
- Create an international regime to prevent nuclear proliferation
The Science Council for Global Initiatives is an independent, nonprofit organization supported by financial contributions from foundations and individuals.
- Science Council for Global Initiatives is a 501(c)(3) public charitable organization.
- All contributions are fully tax-deductible.
Your contribution will directly support our research and educational efforts and will be applied where most needed. Thank you for your contribution!
You can donate through PayPal
or by mailing a check payable to SCGI to:
Ron Gester, Treasurer SCGI
P.O. Box 596
Boonville, CA 95415
Thank you.