Dr. Evgeny Velikhov is the President of the Russian Research Centre Kurchatov Institute, a nationwide complex of research facilities that is one of the top scientific institutions in Russia. He is a renowned scientist in the field of plasma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion, and the inventor of the high impulse magnetic-hydrodynamic high-power generator that is used in electromagnetic soundings of the deep earth crust. Dr. Velikhov has been a principal arms control negotiator for many years, an international leader of the ITER/Tokamac and other global high energy physics projects, the driving force in development of the Russian Internet, and the creator of the Russian branch of computing and informatics in the Russian Academy of Science. He is the creator and initial head of the Soviet (now Russian) Nuclear Safety Institute, former vice president (for 18 years) of the Soviet/Russian Academy of Science, was a member of the Russian President's Defense Council, President's Scientific and Technical Policy Council, and Russia's representative on the International Council for Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion. He is the creator of the Committee of Soviet Scientists for Peace and Against the Nuclear Threat, organizer/creator of "The International Forum for a Non-Nuclear World and the Survival of Humanity," and the founder of the joint US-Russian International Foundation for the Survival and Development of Humanity. Dr. Velikhov was proclaimed by the USA as the "hero of Chernobyl," who personally oversaw the cleanup of this unprecedented nuclear disaster. He was a winner of the prestigious Global Energy Prize, Russia's equivalent of the Nobel Prize for energy research, in 2006. At present he is Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.